Location: Kent, United Kingdom

My name is Michelle and I live in Kent, UK. I share my home with my Mr M, three gorgeous daughters (#1,#2 & #3) plus three equally lovely rescue dogs. I have a degree in Fine Art and trained as an art teacher, but now work in a secondary school with children who have speech and language disorders. In my spare time I love to absorb myself in art and crafts. I love to paint, draw, sew, collage, sculpt and do lots of photography. I have an etsy shop where my things can be found and hope you enjoy wandering around my blog. Please don't use my images without permission. Have a wonderful day :D


Creativity and Infection..

I've often thought of creativity as being a little bit like a virus. If you're susceptible to it, then you just can't help but get the bug. I know for a fact that one of the most positive things I can do if I'm feeling stumped for inspiration, is to go out and immerse myself in the creativity of others. It's not stealing (unless you're really stealing ideas or images) it's opening your mind and heart to the inner spark of people like yourself, who express themselves in a creative way. That said, this week I have been very inspired by the colours in the work by Twitch Photos. Twitch (who I understand is a student of photography and wastes no time in going out there to expand her own learning and pathway) seems to have an eye for colour, composition and a general otherworldliness that pleases my creative-searching eye. I love the colours, the lighting is amazing... and on some level, I'm sure they'll end up somewhere in one of my pieces of art.. even if it's just imitating the colours or the way the light falls. Get out there. Look around. There's always something to see that you haven't seen before.


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