Location: Kent, United Kingdom

My name is Michelle and I live in Kent, UK. I share my home with my Mr M, three gorgeous daughters (#1,#2 & #3) plus three equally lovely rescue dogs. I have a degree in Fine Art and trained as an art teacher, but now work in a secondary school with children who have speech and language disorders. In my spare time I love to absorb myself in art and crafts. I love to paint, draw, sew, collage, sculpt and do lots of photography. I have an etsy shop where my things can be found and hope you enjoy wandering around my blog. Please don't use my images without permission. Have a wonderful day :D


A visitor..

I am a great believer in messages from the Universe. I like to see the magical in our every day life.. even when it's very difficult. For a long time, I've wanted to produce and sell my work but have not had the time to even consider this undertaking seriously. But.. that time presented itself at the beginning of the summer and I began to think about what on earth I could call my blog and shop.
Doorway to the Stars by Josephine Wall
I mulled stuff over in my head.. wrote lists.. did a vote amongst the kids.. to no avail. I know I love animals/nature/magical things etc.. but still.. the name didn't come to me.
And then, in desperation.. I asked the Universe to let me know in some way. Quickly... if possible. That night.. as I went to bed.. I decided not to think about it anymore. And, I got into bed, got a kiss from J.. and then opened my book to read for a while. Then.. at around the same time.. my daughter opened the front door to partake in her horrible smoking habit.. and no sooner than she did.. a small black thing flew straight in.. and sat on the staircase, looking at her. The small black thing was very small.. very fast.. and no sooner than she leaned towards it.. it flew up our curved staircase.. along the long landing.. and straight into our bedroom.
As it did so.. it let out the most piercing noise.. a high pitched whistle (follow the link and click on the musical note!). It was so loud.. I immediately thought.. "A bat has come in our room" and flew under the covers.. giggling and shrieking with panic (why I was laughing I don't know.. I think it was the sound of my poor J.. who had by now, fallen out of bed in fright). Picture the scene.. big hairy guy.. looking around the room for the intruder.. but not really even knowing what he was looking for.. as he'd been drifting off to sleep).
Suddenly.. he said (once he'd gathered his wits and pushed the bedroom door shut) "It's NOT a bat". My heart sank.. what was it.. some kind of large whistling moth buzzing around our room?
"It's a wren" he said.. with a knowledgeable tone of voice.. and he'd be right to be knowledgeable, since we'd only rescued one a few months earlier.. That one flew into our conservatory and sat on the skirting board beadily staring at our dogs. Till middle daughter picked it up in her hands and we took it to the Wild Life Sanctuary.
The wren (which was probably about the size of a walnut) flew from one side of the bedroom to another... clinging onto a tapestry on our wall.. and then the huge mirror on the other side. Every now and again.. J would make a comment.. "his little heart is beating so fast, bless him".. whilst I (bravely) lay under the duvet.. giggling.. whilst the oldest daughter kept enquiring through the bedroom door "Have you got it yet?"
Eventually.. my gallant J threw a T-shirt over the little thing.. and then picked him up in gentle cupped hands and took him to the window.. where he let him out and the little wren flew out into the darkness.
I took that as a sign from the Universe. I mean.. come on.. who exactly has wrens flying into their bedroom at 1am in the morning.. announcing their arrival with an amazing song?
The next day, I googled the Wren.. and found some lovely things written about this tiny songbird. Here's an little piece from a celtic website about the meaning of the Wren.. I like this. It pretty much sums things up for me. So that's how I chose the name for my blog. I think it works.
Have a wonderful week.

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Blogger TheVintageMagpie said...

Michelle, this is such a wonderful story to start off your blog and your blog name... we are kindred spirits as I too look to the Universe for answers on a daily basis! Although I am not religious, I do believe in the philosophy of 'ask the Universe and she will provide'. Some days this keeps me sane! x

8/31/2010 03:00:00 pm  

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