Location: Kent, United Kingdom

My name is Michelle and I live in Kent, UK. I share my home with my Mr M, three gorgeous daughters (#1,#2 & #3) plus three equally lovely rescue dogs. I have a degree in Fine Art and trained as an art teacher, but now work in a secondary school with children who have speech and language disorders. In my spare time I love to absorb myself in art and crafts. I love to paint, draw, sew, collage, sculpt and do lots of photography. I have an etsy shop where my things can be found and hope you enjoy wandering around my blog. Please don't use my images without permission. Have a wonderful day :D


A warm interlude..

I went back to work this morning and even though I had my beloved Fitflops on and not having to wear a coat.. there was a distinct nip in the air! It made me think of warmer days (not that we have seen many during the school holidays) and I remembered a yoga break I went on a few years back, leaving my family for the first time and going with my sister.
These straps look like implements of torture (and at times felt like them!) but they helped you stretch when you thought you just couldn't go any further.
Yoga in practice.. and this is not me. I'm behind the camera!
It was so warm, we ate outside every evening - ten women in the Finca kitchen.. can you imagine?!
This lovely statue sat in the garden.
This is Dalmer. We had a massage mid week and his mummy was our masseuse. He was happy to snore whilst our tight aching limbs were soothed with the amazing oils. I loved him to bits.. and he soothed the angst I felt, missing my own three dogs.
The view was to die for..
The lady who owned the beautiful Finca (with a yoga shala in the grounds) had a lovely eclectic eye for pots and positioning flowers... I can't remember her name.. but she made us very welcome.
This was taken on the roof terrace where we s I spent a lot of time up here in the afternoons, as I couldn't face the heat some days.
It was a great time.. even though I missed home very much. A time to reflect and think - to nurture ideas.. and.. to be warm!
Hope your Wednesday is a warm one, wherever you are.
Michelle xxx

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